![]() Thank you to everyone for reaching out to me about the latest edition of the guidebook. It's been a long process but I finally have an actual day estimation for the final delivery of the guidebooks. I should be receiving them on November 30th, 2022! I have a nice long waiting list of people that are wanting to get their hands on the new book for their climbing trip this winter so now is the time to go ahead and get yourself in on the Pre-sales! As of today the 23rd of November, the pre-sales are live! See ya down in Potrero at some point!
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![]() I want to let everyone know that even though summer is in full swing, I along with many other people are already thinking about winter climbing plans and and in order to help push you all over the line in a certain direction, I'm putting the El Potrero Chico Climbing guidebook on sale for the month of August, 20% off. It will be signed by the author with an inspirational, personalized comment!!! Just kidding, I'll sign it and give an encouraging message such as, "Hurry up and climb the damn thing, we got tequila to drink! You're buying!" I hope you all can make it down at some point this season and enjoy the climbing, the community, the food and most of all the LITER MARGARITAS!! I'll be staying at Rancho El Sendero, so swing by and say hello at some point! The sale will only be going on through this website only! www.epcclimbing.com/guidebook.html If you would like to get a bundle package for both the digital and print version, head over to the Rakkup website and purchase the book there. When you buy the bundled package you are getting a 20% discount on the package versus buying them separately. Also feel free to ask questions through the contact page if you want or need any personalized beta on the area. ![]() This season we've seen several climbing accidents in EPC, mostly foot and or ankle injuries. We had one major accident that occurred that required local Search and Rescue from Monterrey to come in for a helicopter extraction. Luckily that climber suffered no major injuries. So for the past couple months in Potrero, we have seen a great progress towards helping protect the climbers coming to EPC in the event of accidents. A couple local guides have spent time raising the money to afford rescue gear. Rudy Peckham and Karla Moya, have been working with the local Protection Civil in the past and currently to handle emergency situations and are trying with limited resources to create a rescue team. The idea will be to continue to work hand in hand with the local Protection Civil as well as train future climber staff at El Buho, with search and rescue skills. Even with the the right people and proper training though, having the proper rescue gear can make all the difference. The local resources of the Protection Civil can be stretched sometimes, so the idea was to get rescue gear that is dedicated to the climbing community and can be accessed by dedicated climbers and potential supporting crews. This raised money is gonna be used to buy some of the following: Stokes Basket Backboards Spider Immobilization Straps Head Immobilizer Spine/Neck Collar Splint Kits Radios And I'm excited to know that the goal has been reached!! A big thank you to all for helping out with this great effort. It's always so great to see how awesome this climbing community is here in Potrero. In my opinion, the best in the world. Extra resources can always be needed though to help keep supplies new. If you want to help donate more you can at the following link: Potrero Chico Rescue Gear Hey everyone, glad to put an update out on the site for everyone for the upcoming climbing season in El Potrero Chico. The season has already kicked off and there is plenty to do when you get here. There are almost 30 new routes since last season and I'm getting them updated as fast as I can on the digital version of the guidebook available on the app Rakkup for and Android and I-phone.
rakkup.com/guidebooks/el-potrero-chico-rock-climbing/ The first project on my hands when I get into Potrero is to check out all the new routes myself, and then start working on getting photos for all the rest of the routes in Potrero. Currently about half of the routes have topo photos but will soon try to get that up to 100%. It takes a bit of time getting to all the walls and routes but I know will help everyone find exactly what it is they want to climb on. I will post more information about the Rakkup update as soon as it's available. A reminder out there to the developers that are wanting to come down and get their bolt on, hit me up on the New Routes page to send me the latest info on your development in order to help everyone will all the awesome new climbs. Also I wanted to put a reminder out there to people that may be purchasing guidebooks through the site. If your trip is coming up on you shortly and can't wait for the shipping time, get in contact with me via the Contact page. I can get books to you in person in Potrero or can help ship it with a more expedited shipping process. I'm currently in transit to Potrero Chico and will be arriving there on November 17th, so let's meet up and get in some rad climbing!! I'll be staying at Rancho El Sendero and look forward to seeing you all this winter!!! ![]() Hey Everyone, the new website for the brand new El Potrero Chico guidebook is up and running. I can't wait to share with everyone all the new route information and awesome pictures that will make climbing in EPC easier than ever. The guidebook is almost finished and work on getting it printed this winter is well underway. The new guidebook will be a full colored guidebook containing lots of new photos to help you identify the routes at all the crags, as well as pitch by pitch breakdowns of the routes. Until then though you can check the guidebook page for a link to getting the digital version available at Rakkup.com. The digital version works on both Android and iPhone systems and is an excellent app for rock climbing guidebooks. Check it out and let us know what you think. This website will not only be a place to buy the printed book in the future, but also a great resource for new developers bolting routes in El Potrero Chico. Here on the New Routes page you will be able to submit new routes and FAs of open projects in order to help get the information into later editions of the guidebooks. The new climbing season is upon us here in EPC and I can't wait for everyone to get down here and start climbing on the incredible walls of Potrero Chico. |
Frank MaddenA climber originally from Ohio, spends most of his time traveling and climbing back and forth between Red River Gorge, KY and El Potrero Chico, Mexico. Archives
November 2022
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